Support the Parade… if, if, if

Support the Parade… if, if, if

Support the Parade… if, if, if Once again, the President comes up with a proposal that leaves everyone with jaws completely dropped: a military parade (a la Kim Jong Un).  As one Republican Senator sagely said: confidence is silent; insecurity is loud. But...
Shut it Down!

Shut it Down!

Shut it Down! Congressional Democrats—including myself—have always opposed shutting down the government.  Too many people—Social Security and Veteran benefits recipients, National Park visitors, etc. etc.—depend on well-functioning government functions.  But is this...
ShitHoles R Us

ShitHoles R Us

ShitHoles R Us We are ALL ShitHoles! We all came from ShitHoles.  Africa.  The Caribbean.  Ireland.  Poland.  Germany.  China.  Italy.  Greece.  Russia.  Japan.  Mexico.  The Philippines. We all live in ShitHoles.  Watts.  Beverly Hills.  The Southside.  The...

Fire and Fury

Fire and Fury A tale, told by an idiot, full of “Fire and Fury”, signifying nothing. As long as Republican Senators and Congress members do or say...
The Canary in the Tax Cut Mine

The Canary in the Tax Cut Mine

The Canary in the Tax Cut Mine Congressman Darrell Issa, southern California Republican, became the first Member of the majority party to announce his opposition to the House tax cut plan: amazingly, because it favored the wealthy over the middle class!  Talk about...
Bob Filner, author of Trumping Trump

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