Where are the Democrats??? #2 in a Series

Tax “Reform” Whatever happens to Trumpcare, tax “reform” seems to be next on the Trump and Ryan/McConnell agenda.  Are the Democrats doing anything to prepare for the upcoming national debate? First and foremost:  We CANNOT let this continue to be labeled “reform”. ...

Where are the Democrats???

Number 1 in a Series Trump, Trump, Jr., Kushner, healthcare, deregulation, travel bans, tax “reform”, Trump, Trump, Trump.  Where are the Democrats??? Are we watching the assumed self-destruction of Trump with glee–and waiting to win in 2018 and 2020?  Are we...

When is a Smoking Gun Not a Smoking Gun?

Russian meddling?  Fake news.  A Nothing Burger.  17 intelligence agencies agreeing that it happened is NOT a smoking gun? Russian collusion?  Denials by everyone.  Fake news.  A Nothing Burger.  Michael Flynn lying about conversations with the Russian Ambassador,...

Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later

Number 1 in a Series: Medicaid “We as a country should stop and realize the number of children whose lives are at stake,” said the chief executive of a rural children’s hospital. “I don’t think people understand how all this affects kids,” a country doctor said of...

Trump on July 4

Happy birthday America!  And what do we do as we unwrap our present of President Donald Trump?  As a nation, are we merely “incoherent”—or heading relentlessly towards a world crisis?  North Korea?  Syria?  Russia?  Climate change?  Terrorism?  Is life copying art—or...
Bob Filner, author of Trumping Trump

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